Blogger Layouts

Monday, October 20, 2008


You truly don't know pain until you try to teach 50 kindergarten kids with the flu! I feel like a sledge hammer is pounding away in my head. The kids are being so good. It is like they know something is not quite right. I am trying to be excited because we started our pumpkin unit today, but I just can't do it. Let’s all pray that tomorrow will be better!Thank goodness for good students!


Lexi said...

Carrie, I am so sorry to hear that you are sick!! Were you sick this weekend too? I hope you get feeling better soon!

Jenn said...

i feel ya babe! my kids are all coughing in my face and one even threw up today! ugh! i hope you feel better soon! and remember you totally deserve a day off when you're sick!
ps. are those witches in that picture from gardener village? i'm totally going to be there on saturday after the byu game. my friend marcie and i are even going to dress up like witches :) i dunno if you live close to there but it would be fun if you could come!

Sharla said...

Carrie - We all know who got you sick and he is really sorry. Logan truly appreciates you cleaning up his throw up and hopes that you will visit again. Lauren...well she doesn't really care that you got sick.