Blogger Layouts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New School Year, New Fun!

This week has been crazy. I've been testing my new class, and while I HATE testing, I LOVE meeting my new students. I think I'm going to have a great bunch of kids. I'm so excited that I'm having lots of siblings of kids I've had before. Finally, I've stayed somewhere long enough that I get to start having siblings.

If is fun to watch these kids as they have been coming in to test. They are so excited about starting school and I think they are rubbing off on me. I'm so ready to have the kids come and get started. I can't wait!

My classroom is a camping theme this year. I was so inspired by our trip to Yellowstone this year that I thought it would be fun. I will post pictures soon. It is on the list to do!

I hope the next time I post I will still be so excited about starting school and not exhausted and crying! Wish me luck!

Here are some new pictures of my classroom.

I changed out my playhouse for this cute tent and sleeping bag. I put our pretend fire out and I"m still looking for some good deals on small camping chairs.

When I found out that the Roundup in Jackson was closing I really wanted to buy something there. This cute little sign is what I found. I thought it would fit the theme.

This is on the wall outside of my class.

This is the sign I bought when I was in Yellowstone. Heather made the cute name plate for me.

This is the cute picnic table that I found in Bear Lake. When I told the sales lady that I was a teacher and I was going to put it in my classroom she took 50% off. It was only $15.00!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

what a cute new classroom look you've got going! I hope your year is great!