Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

When I grow up I want to be...a PENGUIN!

So this year I have really been battling the winter blues. The best way for me to get through them is to take on a fun new project for my kiddos. I came up with the idea of having a penguin day at school. I encouraged the kids to dress up in black and white and to get ready to be mommy and daddy penguins for the day. Then I bought plastic Easter eggs and put a beak and googly eyes on them and turned them into baby penguins. I gave each kid their baby and told them it was their job to take care of them all day. It was so much fun! They were so careful with their babies and always kept their eye on them. Some of the kids were putting their eggs in their socks, hats, pockets, pencil boxes just to keep them safe. The best part of the day is when I pulled out the snack. I told them we would eat what penguins eat. I opened a can of sardines. The kids about died! We smelled them and poked them and even pulled one out but decided they didn't look very yummy. So we went with Goldfish crackers and washed them down with Arctic water (blue cool-aid) It was such a fun day and it covered what we needed to learn about arctic animals and Antarctica!

Don't you LOVE this picture!

We practiced waddling with our babies on our feet. We decided that was not an easy thing to do!

How do those penguins do it?

What good mommy and daddy penguins I have!

We even pretended that we could slide on our tummies just like they do.

Where has the time gone?!?!

Here we are already heading into March and I never got a chance to blog about Valentine's day! We had a great time in kindergarten. I had two very different experiences that day. Usually on Valentine's Day we don't do a huge party. I keep it pretty low key because the end of year party is a BIG one. Plus we were celebrating Valentine's Day on a Friday and that is our short day so we didn't have a lot of time. So in my morning class I had a couple of moms come in. They totally helped me get things ready and then we decorated cookies and passed out Valentines. Everything went so smoothly we ended up with enough time for the kids to go through their boxes. It was so much fun to see the excitement on their faces as they looked through everything. We even had enough time to go outside for a short recess and get all that sugar out. I usually don't get a chance to "play" with the kids and it was really fun to do that.
My afternoon class was a huge success. I had a fabulous mom who asked to come in and do a craft. They made the cutest love bug hats and then they played bingo. I felt really bad because we had a TON of parents come in to help. I LOVE the parent support at my school. I must admit I'm so use to doing everything myself that it is still a little hard to delegate. The kids had a great time. I hope they know how much I appreciate them!
It was interesting as I compared the two different classes and just how different they are. They all had so much fun even with one class being very chill and the other class being busy, busy.
I'm so thankful for the parent support I have at my school! I tell the kids daily that we wouldn't be able to do any fun things if it wasn't for them! I appreciate you all so much! I loved going through my Valentine box. My nieces and nephews were more than happy to help me go through all the cards and treats!
Afternoon class decorating cookies
Morning class checking out their loot!

Getting ready to pass out cards and treats!