Blogger Layouts

Friday, December 9, 2011

WOW! Time flies when your having fun!

Wow! I don't even know where the time has gone. Everytime I look at my blog, I think about updating it. But the thought of going back in time and catching up is just too much! So I'll start with the recent.

I have a great group of kiddos this year. They are so smart and super cute but they keep me on my toes. Which is a good thing because I was beginning to think I had learned everything I needed to about kinder kids but oh no....this class has proven me wrong!

I am loving my new house! Especally all the fun christmas decorating.I need to have people over now that I have "real" furniture and cute decorations! One more thing to add to my to do list!

We have had some great family time lately. I LOVE it when the WHOLE family gets together. We continued our family tradition of Christmas tree cutting and Black Friday shopping. But we finally got smart and took snowmobiles to get trees this year. SOOOO much easier then hiking through the snow!

I'm looking forward to Christmas and New Years! I've already make 2 resalutions. 1 of them is just for me, the guessed it! Being better at keeping up my blog!

Friday, September 9, 2011

2011-2012 School Year

I LOVE how my classroom turned out this year. I think the space theme is really fun and the kids are loving the stars and planets hanging from the celing. My students are fantastic! I'm enjoying getting to know them better and watching them progress. I have LOTS of boys this year and it has been an adjustment to learn how to deal with boys. But I love their excitement!

Lava Hot Springs

My family decided to send summer out in style this year. Instead of the usual Bear Lake trip we found ourself in the booming city of Lava. We had no idea what to expect because we haven't been there before. But we had the time of our life! Everyone made an appearance including LaRee and Payson. We had 21 people in our campsite. It was a party! We floated the river numerous times and spent the day at the resort(I use that word loosly! Not exactly a "resort.")We spent a few hours in Soda Springs checking out the carbinated water and the gyser there. It was such a fun vacation and a great way to send out summer!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jackson Hole-One of my favorite places!

I LOVE going to Jackson and to Yellowstone. It brings back so many memories of when I would work there during the summers. We went in June and experienced some crazy weather. Lots of snow and freezing temperatures. But we still had a blast. If I had it my way it would be a yearly adventure!

Seriously Busy!

I've fallen behind on my picture a day challenge! Mostly because I can't get this stupid blog to update from my cel or my home computer. So while I'm babysitting Karen's crew I thought I would update a little. We had a great 4th of July! We did the tradtional going to Logan for fireworks and birthdays. Then the kids decorated their bikes for the Cherry Days Kids Parade. It was fun and totally reminded me of decorating my own bike for the North Logan parades!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Shoot for the Moon

I had a great 4th of July weekend with my family. More of that to come. Today I started working on somethings for my classroom. I'm so excited about it and I'll share pictures when it is finished. But for now, this is going to be my main bulletin board for next year. I love it! I got the idea from

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011

seriously lame salad

Okay really! You ask for a side salad and this is what you get. No dressing and yep that is 2 crunchy noodles. Yep only 2
! Yummy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Space Theme

I decided on a space/stars/astronaut/alien theme for this next year! I'm excited and decided to make this rocket. It's too expensive to buy so...I'm going to attempt to make it myself. We will see how it goes!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I took a friends blogging challenge. For the month of July I have to post a picture every day. This is a big challenge for my failing blog. So I'm starting early so i have a couple of fall back days. But here we go!

These are the beautiful flowers that I see every time I leave my house. When I bought this house they were nothing but dried up brown sticks that I cut down to nothing. I'm so glad I listening to my sister and didn't dig them up like I wanted to.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My sad, sad blog!

I'm looking at the first week this summer where I haven't had something scheduled every day. So I'm finally sitting down to update my sad, sad, blog. The hard part is the catch up so here we go!

  • Finished up the school year with a bang! Had an over emotional kindergarten graduation. It was so hard to say goodbye to this group. So many great kids and fantastic parents. I really do miss them. Its hard to see someone every day and then they are just gone.

  • Had some big changes in my grade level. Lost a teacher to a different grade and gained a new Spanish Immersion teacher. Kindergarten will be different next year...I'm not so sure how I feel about that yet. But I'm going to be positive.

  • Spent a good week just catching up on sleep and appointments once school was done.

  • I had the best time watching the Smiths at the Idaho High School Rodeo finals. I only got to see Garrett in team roping and bull riding but he did really good. Sadee did great in the cow cutting. They are so talented and amazing.

  • I realized how much I miss living in Rexburg. There is just a feeling of home there for some reason. I love spending time with LaRee there. It will be a sad day when that land gets developed. I hope it never happens.

  • Had a fantastic weekend in Jackson Hole with Karen and Sharla's crew. So much fun making new memories in that town. My fam got really bored hearing my stories about that place. Logan had us laughing the whole time.

  • I had a whole week at Karen's house taking care of Regan, Lex, and Haden. Karen and the older girls went to girls camp. We had fun and the kids were really good. I decided that not working is fun when your on your own, but add kids to the mix and it's a lot of work!

  • Had a lot of fun at the Syracuse parade with my BPE friends. I love that I can send out an email for my kindergarten friends to come join me and so many show up. I love them so much!

Well, that's about it. I'm loving my new house and figuring out all the odds and ins of home ownership. I'm thankful everyday for a great brother in law that comes running when I don't know what I'm doing. Overall life is great.

I'm excited to be with my family this weekend for the July 4th weekend. Should be fun!

Here are some pictures to back all of that up!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm still here!

My family keeps on asking me why I haven't updated in awhile. Life is busy! So I'm getting caught up and will try to do better. My little penguins are doing great! It's hard to believe that we are close to ending our time together I love them so much! We had a great Valentine's Day with the kids. They keep me on my toes and we have so much fun together. It is amazing to think about how much they have learned. Although my house got off to a rough start. I love to have my nieces and nephew over to play in the yard. They are so much fun! The drama of my house flooding on the 3rd day of being in it was so hard to deal with. But the good side is that I have a fabulous downstairs now and it is much better than before.

This is the after. Ron did so much work on the basement. He is amazing. The rest of us helped as we could but we really just followed his directions.

Cassidy turned sweet 16 in March. She is such a fun girl and has so many good friends that she hangs out with. I'll have to post more about her party later.

Well, that brings me up to now. Cass decided to make my garden her project for her Young Women's medallion. We got started last weekend and it will be a long process to bring this overgrown nasty garden into a great place to plant yummy food. It already looks better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have a secret admirer!

I got to school on Valentine's Day to find the cutest hand written note. It said Dear Teacher
I love you. Will you be my Valentine? Love your secret admirer
Yes, everything was spelled correctly so there must have been some older brother help.

Yesterday this little boy in my class came up to me and said, "I have a secret!" I said "Oh...whats your secret?" He said "I'm your secret admirer! But don't tell!"
Today I overheard him telling another teacher that the only girl he likes is his teacher! And that's okay because she loves everyone!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE being a teacher?!?!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oh Haden!

This post is all about my nephew Haden. He is such a crack up and lately he is even crazier than ever! He keeps us laughing ALL the time. The poor kiddo is stuck with all sisters but he holds his own. He is a mommas boy and LOVES his mommy. Here are some of the funny things he has been saying lately.

We are doing some work in my new house (long story). There were lots of banging and loud noises going on. Haden was standing in a closet that didn't have one side of the wall. As we were all standing there with out fingers in our ears because of the noise. Haden looks at me and says " You don't have to stand out there, come join me in the wussy room!

Karen went into Haden's room to find a huge mess. She yelled in her motherly get in here voice, HADEN. Haden said to his sisters. Great! Here comes the drama!

He found a love letter someone left in his desk at school. Haden and his friend went all over the neighborhood asking the little girls if they left the letter. We were teasing him about the letter. I told him to marry up! Find a rich girl with lots of money or find a smart girl that can help him through college. At that suggestion he looked at me and said Carrie, she can't even spell Valentine!

I love this boy! Our family wouldn't be complete without him!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Best quote of the day!

We have been working on learning our sight words. Those are the words most common in print. If Kindergarten kiddos can learn these words their reading levels just rocket up so fast. So the kids have 20 words on a list that they are learning. This is a conversation I had with C today.
C-Miss T my reading group won't believe me that this isn't the word we. They say it is and I say it's NOT! (she is almost in tears)
Me-Let me see what word your talking about. She points to the word "we". That is the word "we" C.
C-No it's not! You spell "we" Wii.
I love these moments!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wow! I just can't keep up!

I don't know what has happened to my blogging lately! I promise we are still here and doing great, but I just can't find the time to blog. The kids are learning and growing up so much. Everyday I laugh at some of the amazing things they say! Do you ever wonder what your kiddos are telling me at school? Well, I've decided to start keeping track of some of the good ones. Don't worry, no names, no pictures!

A-Miss T. I'm just not playing with a full deck today.
Me-What does that mean A?
A- I don't know, it just what my mom says when my dad doesn't make sense!

J-Miss T there is a word on the list that I can't say.
Me-Come show me, that's the word "but".
J-Miss T I can't say that word
Me-What are you talking about I just told you what it is
J-Last time I said it to my brother I got grounded!

I was walking around the room while the kids were working. I noticed that K was copying the paper of the boy next to her. So I stopped to watch her work. That is when she said ...
K-I'm glad you are here to help me, but I really don't need you anymore so you can go.

We have been getting ready for 1st grade by giving the kid more and more freedom. They can now walk themselves out at the end of the day. When I overheard L say to another kiddo.
L-You know, soon we aren't even going to need Miss T anymore!