I had such a fantastic holiday season this year. It was busy but so much fun. Here are some of the highlights from the season.

Cassidy and her friend Kailey went to their first big school dance. With Karen and Ron out of town it was my job to get them ready to go. Ohhhh the memories of Junior High!!!

I decided to start the tradition of taking all the girls to the Nutcracker. It was fun but Lexi and Rebecca wanted to know if we go again next year, can we go to one that the people talk!

I spent Christmas Eve in Logan. We had a blast bowling at the Fun Park. Love the fashionable shoes!

Even the "teens" thought it was fun!

The kids loved it when they turned on the black lights,disco ball, and funky music!

Once upon a time I would put together a "show" with the kids. Just something for them to do. Now Cassidy has taken over. Loved the decorations! Yes, those are my old horse show trophies on the back shelf. I refuse to let my parents get ride of them! Pathetic, I know!

Finally the big moment! The kids woke up at 3:00 am to see if it was time yet. We talked them into going back to sleep until 6:00ish.

We were all excited for the Means family to finally get to Utah! We really needed Logan and Lauren on drums!

We all had fun at Hardware Ranch. Nobody told Sharla that the elk didn't care if she was color coordinated and looking cool. But she tried anyway!

Bring on New Years Eve! Ready to go and waiting!

What party animals! We all made it to midnight well...except for the twins. And Karen did disappear for a hour or two.

The next day we all just sat around and relaxed. Logan even found a few minutes to read the paper! He takes after his Grandpa George!
That weekend Lexi got baptized! It was nice because all of us got to go. I'm so proud of her! The best part of the day was when they opened to doors to the font and the bishop invited the kids to come and sit close. Logan made a sprint towards the font! Luckily he was caught in time before taking a dive. Right after Ron baptized Lexi and she was coming up from the water, Logan let out a loud OHHHHHHH! Just like it was the coolest thing he ever saw! His timing was perfect!

Lexi with Grandma and Grandpa! We all agreed that the thing we are most grateful for this holiday season is to have dad with us!

To celebrate Lexi's baptism we had a chocolate fountain for desert. Logan and Lauren loved the chocolate. Lauren loved it so much she put her plate on her head and rubbed the chocolate in. You've got to love them!!!
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