Blogger Layouts

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Craziness

Once again I'm lookin at the end of May and wondering where did the time go! Here is the month in a nut shell
  • Field Trip to the Planetarium- didn't go like I wanted it to, but learn a lot for next time!
  • Watched Taelor perform in Enchanted and Mulan-she was fabulous
  • Watched Rachel perform in Victorian the Historian or something like that-she was amazing!
  • Had 3 full days of testing-I got to read the same story 53 times! Are you jealous!
  • I had so much fun spending time with my family. I'm counting the days until I get to see the babies again!
  • I felt so loved and appreciated this week. It was Teacher Appreciation week at our school. I received great gifts of appreciation. I loved the hand picked flowers and the handwritten notes. I LOVED THEM ALL! THANK YOU!

Now with only a week left in school, things are going to slow down a lot. I'm ready for a breather, but not to say goodbye!


My kindergarten performance is tomorrow! I'm nervous for those sweet little kids! We have worked so hard and it's like the day before Christmas. I had to take a Tylenol PM so I can sleep tonight. I'll post pics soon! Wish us luck!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do you speak kindergarten?

For mother's day my kids wrote in their journals about their moms. Here are just a few quick examples of what they wrote. See if you can figure them out.

G wrote "my mom is Sooet."
M wrote "Wen it is coLd mom macks me wem."
C wrote "my mom cus befis for me."
K wrote "my mom is hape."
T wrote " I like your her."
C wrote "Mi mom res to me."
W wrote "my mom dus holp me."

If I was going to write in my journal about my mom is would say...
My mom is selfless and giving. She worries and worries because she loves me so much. She is a blessing and I don't know what I would do without her!

To the other moms in my life. Thank you for letting me be a part of your child's life. The biggest compliment is when one of your children mistakenly calls me mom instead of teacher!