Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Frosty Visitor!!

Dear Kindergarten Students,
Hello! My name is Frosty the snowman and I hope you don’t mind but I paid you a visit last night! I really wanted to come and meet you today at school, but as you know snowman only come alive at night.
I enjoyed playing on your playground. What a great school you have. I went so fast in the spinning baskets my nose fell off!
I decided to come in and check out your classroom. It was very fun! I really liked playing in the kitchen and with the Legos! I also found my favorite book The Snowman! I hope your teacher doesn’t mind that I sat and read it for awhile.
It seems that I have left quite a mess. Your classroom was so nice and warm that I started to melt a little. Sorry about that! Watch out for puddles of water on your chairs and tables. I tried to clean them up but I was melting so fast I had to go.
I noticed your playground doesn’t have a snowman, but I saw the wonderful snowman you are making in your cubbies. I also left you a little present in your cubby. I hope you like it! I have one just like it.
I hope you have a very merry Christmas! I hope I get to meet you some day. Remember snowman love to have friends to play with at night, so maybe you could make me a new friend sometime!

Love, your friend
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1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oh My Heck! That is the cutest idea ever!!! You're kids are so cute and you are such an amazing teacher