So I love the sport of rodeo. Always have and I think I always will. I knew I wanted to incorporate my love of rodeo somehow into teaching. This year I finally did it. We had our first Buffalo Point Kindergarten Rodeo. It was so much fun! We had a grand entry and we even had someone sing the national anthem to start the rodeo. I was so tempted to break out the tiara and sash from the good old days of being a rodeo queen but I controlled it! The kids competed in a wild west water balloon shoot out, barrel racing, cafe roping, flag race, and cowboy dress up. We ate snow cones, and had popcorn. It was a blast. I couldn't have pulled it off if it wasn't for the kindergarten parents that came to help. They were fabulous! I'm looking forward to doing it again next year!

Each table made a team flag and made up a name for the grand entry

I loved the team work as they got dressed like a cowboy

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