So as I am thinking about my dad today lots of things come to mind. I though I would just write some of those quick memories so I don't forget them.
I remember when...
- I would sit on my dads lap at church(usually after getting in trouble) and I remember the rough texture of his suit jacket and the smell of his aftershave.
- I would pretend to be asleep in the car so he would have to carry me in.
- My dad and I spending lots of time together at horse shows. He came with me to every show, clinic, or queen contest.
- I put the horse trailer in the ditch trying to back it up and dad not even getting mad
- After riding in the Lewiston parade I left a Popsicle in the hole by the saddle horn on my saddle. My dad had to stop in middle of the road to go back and get it out before it melted all over. He got the Popsicle but also got ran over by the horses trying to get it out. Sorry dad!
- I lost the Hyrum rodeo queen contest after having the ride of my life. I was so upset and really didn't understand what happened. My dad questioned, yelled, swore (i was shocked) and demanded to have the scores looked at. He was right and they tabulate wrong. He had my back!
- My dad stood up at my sisters wedding reception and publicly announced that my sister Drena was his favorite daughter. He swears that wasn't what he was trying to say but we all knew it was true. :)
- My dad would wake us up by turning on the light and poking us while making the sound you would make while herding cattle.
- Whenever my dad wants to get our attention he starts by saying PEOPLE! Listen people, or lets go people, or be quiet people.
- My dad has an amazing memory. Anything you want to know about anything just ask my dad. Any sports trivia, family history, or Utah/Idaho history he's got down.
- Dad woke up in the hospital and the first thing he said was "Did you watch those Aggie's play?" Then even after feeling poorly and possibly having a small heart attack he still walked all the way to Romney Stadium to watch his Aggies play. He always has a positive thing to say about the Aggies. He can even find positive thing to say about the football team!
I could go on and on but I'll stop. I love my dad. I'm so grateful that he is still here with us. I am so grateful that he is here to watch his grandchildren grow up and to be a wonderful example to them and to me. Thank you dad for everything you have done for me over the years. I love you so much!
I don't have a lot of male figures in my life. We seem to be a family full of girls so here is a shout out to all my brother-in-laws in our small family. I love you all for being great examples to me. And for bringing all my amazing nieces and nephews in my life.
Dad, Haden, and my mom celebrating in Preston for our annual Christmas tree cutting
Dad and Lauren playing

Ron and Haden just hanging out

Ron, Haden and Lex at Sea World. Such DORKS!
Ron and Jeremiah getting ready to throw a blanket full of confetti on New Years Eve
Dad and his first born grandchild
I tried to find a better picture of Willie but this is all I could find. I am proud of him because he is trying to make a difference and he represents my Comanche heritage so well!
Jeremiah deserves much praise for everything he did for Sharla during the 5 months of bed rest during her pregnancy. Jeremiah has taken on the huge task of staying at home to take care of the twins. He is such a good dad
The place you will find my dad the most. Resting on the couch!
My dad at a school play. He never missed any of his grand kids plays. For that matter he never missed one of my school plays and I was only the teacher!
Our crazy family!
Dad and Haden sharing dinner
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