Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Okay I'm In!

Here it goes! I'm taking Lexi's challenge and starting my own blog! I love the idea of keeping in touch with everyone so I'll give this a try. Hopefully, I'll have fun stuff going on to keep you entertained!


Lexi said...

This is the cutest blog!! I am so jealous of your darling picture and background. You are so have already put my blogging to shame! Good work!
p.s. we should really thing seriously about going to frightmares at Lagoon. Have a great night!

ma & pa said...

Good ideas for your blog. Shall I forwarded your blog to CNF?? Of course, you'll have to come home to show us how to do that.
We'll be buying Christmas trees tags for you to go help harvest them. Ma and Pa are staying in the warm car this year.
You make us proud.
Ma and Pa