Blogger Layouts

Monday, November 3, 2008

Top 5 reasons I love October

This has been the best month! I have been so busy, but we have had a lot of fun!

I love everything about October! But here are some highlights
#1 Corn Maze

David looks like he had blast!

#2 High School Musical 3

I went with almost all of my nieces and nephews to High School Musical 3. I wasn't that excited to see it, but I have to admit that I liked it!
#3 Crazy Costumes

This is Jaxson, one of my students from last year. This was at a horse costume contest. He was a battery and the horse was the Energizer Bunny. It was so cute and he WON!

#4 Birthday Fun

My parents and sisters came to school on my birthday. It was so fun for them to meet all of my students that they hear so much about. They brought cupcakes for the kids and they LOVED the ones with black frosting!

#5 Class Parties!

This has been the first year that the students have been able to wear costumes to school and have a costume parade. It was so much fun. Thank goodness for great room parents who took on the challenge and created a really fun day!


Alesha Beattie said...

Carrie, I Love it. Happy late Birthday!!! Your pictures are so fun. I want to come visit your school it looks so much fun. hope we can get together soon.

Lexi said...

So much fun! Your blog is so cute! I am so embarrassed that I missed your birthday! What kind of friend am I...apparently not a very good one. Please forgive me, I will make it up to you when I see you next..which will hopefully be soon! How are you downloading the photo as your header? It is so cute! Hope you are doing well. I miss you! Love, Lex

Mccowenfamily said...

Miss Thomas,
Roedy was so excited to see you and his class when we pulled up your blog. We will be sure to check in often. He really enjoys school, and he loves you. As you know I wasn't sure how I was going to PEEl him off of my leg when school started. Thank you for all your love and dedication to your class, the kids and I think you are great!!